
Restoring your smile with new teeth. :

Dental implants are root shape metal posts that permanently replace one or more missing teeth. They are inserted into the jaw bone and a false tooth or teeth are attached to them. Dental implants are usually are made of titanium alloys. Once they are inserted into the jaw bone the bone cells grow on them and form a bond to the implant surface. a process called oseointegration. This page answers some common questions about dental implants.

How long do dental implants last?

Implants have been an established treatment for decades, and are deemed safe. With care, most implants placed today can last 15 years or longer.

I just have one missing tooth. Am I a candidate for an implant?

Implants are considered an option for one tooth up to a full set of teeth.

Is everyone with missing teeth a good candidate for implants?

Your suitability for implants rests on the condition of your oral health and your jawbone.Once your dentist examined your mouth and the implant site then he would be able to determine you about suitability for implant treatment or any other options.

Does it hurt to have implants placed?

Implant placement does require a minor operation, which can be performed under local anaesthetic with or without sedation. You will not feel pain during the procedure, but you should expect healing very soon from the procedure.

When do I get my new teeth?

After implant placement, expect to wait while the implants become integrated into your jawbone. This can take 2 to 3 months for lower teeth, and 3 to 4 months for the upper teeth. For implants to replace front teeth you would receive a temporary solution to use while you wait. If you already wear dentures, you should be able to use them almost immediately after the procedure.

How do I clean the new teeth?

You will need to practice good oral hygiene just as with natural teeth. Regular hygienist cleaning are extremely important for the maintenance of implants and their crowns/bridges.

Are the implants susceptible to gum disease?

Just as with natural teeth, the gums around implants do carry the potential for gum disease. However, good oral hygiene habits would prevent gum problems around implants.

Will I be able to take out the teeth attached to the implants?

Generally, implanted teeth are permanently affixed and can only be safely removed by the dentist. However, sometimes complete dentures are placed using implants. In this situation, you can remove them for regular cleaning.

Will my implants show?

Your dental implants are inside the jaw bone and are covered with gums.

What happens if an implant gets damaged?

Accidents do happen. Just as with natural teeth, your implanted teeth can be damaged or broken in an accident. If this happens, broken parts of the implant may be extracted from the bone.

How expensive is implant treatment?

Dental implants can be costly. However, often it does not cost much more than the bridge. Sometimes it is really the preferable option. For instance, implanting one single tooth prevents performing bridge work on the surrounding teeth. Implants will maintain the bone around them.